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E-801 Aqua-Check Moisture Tester


ASTM D4944; AASHTO T217; BS6576


The speedy type moisture tester determines the moisture in fine aggregates and granular materials - soils, sand, clay, and powders - within seconds and in field conditions. No calculations are necessary. The gauge provides direct reading of the chemical reaction between the reagent (calcium carbide) and water to produce acetelyne gas pressure.

Features and Specifications:

■ Test speed:Chamber is sealed and agitated for one to three minutes,depending on material.
■ Sample size 20g.
■ Moisture range 0 to 20%.
■ Accuracy: Within 0.5% on most materials
■ Aqua-Check has a rugged, die-cast aluminum body with a tough, wear- resistant coating.

The complete kit includes the following:

Moisture tester vessel,Calibration certificate,Digital balance 200g X 0.1g battery operated,Small and large  brush,Instructions,Heavy-duty, waterproof plastic case,5 ml measuring scoop, 1lb (0.5kg) can of reagent,Two 1.25in (32mm) dia. steel pulverizing balls,Weighing dish,

Ship Wt.: 15lb (7kg).